Together We Grow appoints first members to its Board of Directors

Together We Grow (TWG), a consortium of some of the world’s largest agribusiness interests focused on building a skilled, diverse, and inclusive agricultural workforce, today announced the appointment of its board of directors.

Together We Grow is in the process of formalizing the collective efforts needed for American agriculture to remain a leader in global food production for generations to come. Beginning in 2022, the Together We Grow Center for an Enhanced Workforce in Agriculture will be headquartered at the Colorado State University System Spur campus at the National Western Center in Denver.

Appointed board members include:

  • Board Chair Michael D’Ambrose, senior vice president and chief human resources officer for Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM), who founded the TWG consortium;
  • Deborah Borg, chief human resources and communications officer at Bunge; and
  • Melissa Harper, senior vice president of Global Talent & Inclusion for Bayer Corporation.

The Board held its inaugural meeting on March 3. Board members and Executive Director Kristin Kirkpatrick developed a strategic roadmap for building a more skilled and diverse talent pipeline for American agriculture, and plans for creating inclusive cultures the industry hopes will retain its talent.

“The ag industry is responsible for feeding and nourishing a growing global population, one of the most critical roles in the world, and we know that diverse and inclusive cultures and industry collaboration are absolutely essential components to success as we all tackle that challenge,” D’Ambrose said. “Together We Grow is organized to help our companies, the NGOs, the U.S. government, and the entire industry accelerate the pace of our mutual goal… true inclusion and parity.”

Together We Grow’s 2020 agenda includes the launch of an industry-wide internship program connecting college students with broad-based exposure to the American agriculture industry; launch of new training programs to build inclusive campus environments in colleges of agriculture across the country; investment in promising pilots that prove to be scalable; and best-practice sharing to help TWG members attract and retain the talent that will feed an ever-growing global population.

About Together We Grow

Together We Grow is an agribusiness consortium with nearly 50 members that include major agricultural commodities companies, educational institutions, government agencies, and others committed to improving and expanding diversity in agribusiness. The consortium sponsors research and provides a platform to share best practices for building future workforce capacity.