Phone reporting

Emergency Situation: If you are concerned for the immediate safety of yourself or others, please call 911.

Phone number: (855) 263-1884

You have chosen to report by phone. Please call (855) 263-1884. You will be directed to leave a voice mail. Please leave as much detailed information as possible. Information should include location(s), dates and times, detailed descriptions and the identification of the individual(s) involved. You may submit with or without personal contact information (anonymous). If you choose to provide your contact information, please include your name, e-mail address and a phone number where you can be reached.

IMPORTANT: If you wish to block the number you are calling from when using the Reporting Hotline, dial *67 before entering the Hotline number. This method of maintaining anonymity works in most cases. However, not all telephone services provide this functionality. To be certain, check with your telephone service provider. PLEASE NOTE: Even if the Reporting Hotline receives your unblocked telephone number from a voice report, we will treat the report as anonymous, within the confines of the law, and you will not be contacted for information, unless you also provide your contact information (name, telephone number and/or email, preferred method of contact).

Please include in your voicemail:

  • A complete description of the matter you want to report.
  • Location.
  • Dates and times.
  • Party or parties involved, if known.
  • Dollar amount, if known.
  • Any other information you believe may assist in our investigation.
  • Your name, phone number, and email (optional).

Thank you!